

西洋情人節 -♀♂ 短語動詞,成語,說法西洋情人節 -♀♂ 短語動詞,成語,說法。每年的二月十四日是西洋情人節,又名「Valentine's Day 」,白色情人節英語:White Day;日語:ホワイトデー),訂於3月14日。

American & UK Valentine’s Day: phrasal verbs , idioms and sayings.

How do people celebrate Valentine's Day around the world? I would love to hear about Valentine's Day traditions in your country.How will you celebrate Valentine's Day with your loved one?Which celebrity do you think is a heart-throb? If you like this post or found it useful, please share it.

Valentine's Day Traditions

In the UK on the 14th February, many people will be showing their love for each other by sending Valentine cards, chocolates and flowers.

Some people will write a poem or a love letter for their loved one.

The British Library holds the oldest known Valentine’s message written in English. It was written in 1477 by Margery Brews to her fiancé John Paston.

It's believed that the first recorded Valentine card was sent by the Duke of Orleans in 1415. He is said to have written messages of love to his wife from his prison cell.

The tradition of exchanging Valentine gifts is said to have started in the later Middle Ages (the period of European history from approximately AD1000 to 1500) when it was believed that the 14th of February marks the beginning of the mating season for birds, and so the day became associated with love and romance.

It is not certain who the Saint Valentine associated with Valentine's Day was. He might have been a Roman priest and Christian martyr executed during the rule of Claudius II the Goth; or he might have been Valentine, Bishop of Turni, who was martyred in Rome.

Phrasal verbs
ask out - to ask somebody out (or ask out somebody) is to ask them to go on a date with you, as a way of starting a romantic relationship with them.

He is too scared to ask her out.

(blurt out) – to blurt out something (or blurt something out) is to say something suddenly and impulsively, especially because you are nervous or excited.

He suddenly turned round and blurted out, "I love you! Will you marry me?"

(bottle out) – to bottle out of something is to suddenly decide not to do something because you are afraid.

Informal British English.

I was going to ask him out on a date but I bottled out.

(chat up) – to chat up somebody (or chat somebody up) is to talk to them in a flirtatious way to show you are attracted to them, and to try and make them interested in you.

British and Australian informal English.

I've been trying to chat him up all evening but he's not interested.

(cuddle up) – to cuddle up with someone is to sit or lie very close them in an affectionate way.

I love cuddling up with my husband.
eat out – to eat out is to eat away from home, at a cafe or restaurant. Many people eat out at a restaurant on Valentine's Day.

Let's eat out tonight. I know a very good restaurant.

(fall for) – if you fall for someone you become very attracted to them, or fall in love with them.

Informal English.

She fell for him as soon as she saw him.

(get together) – if people get together they start a romantic relationship.

They got together in 2001 when they were working in Paris.

(go out together / with) – to go out with someone is to have a romantic relationship with them.

1. Will you go out with me?
2. They have been going out together for six months.

(live for) – if you live for somebody they are the most important thing in your life.

Marcus lives for his wife: he will do anything for her.

(move in together / with) – to move in together is to start living with someone – usually someone you are having a romantic relationship with.

We're moving in together in June.

(pair off) – if two people pair off they start a romantic relationship.

They paired off half way through the cruise.

(pour out)– if you pour out your feelings to someone you tell them everything about how you are feeling.

She poured out her feelings and told him how much she loved him.

(run off with)- to run off with somebody is to secretly go away with someone in order to live with them or marry them, especially when other people think this is wrong. Often used to show disapproval.

Informal English.

They were only 17 years old when they ran off with each other.

(settle down) - when two people settle down together they set up a life together and perhaps get married, buy a house and start a family.

Peter and Marcia are settling down and buying a house together.


(a heart-throb )– a heart-throb is a good looking man; usually someone famous who is attractive to very many women.

Informal English

1. In my opinion, George Clooney is a heart-throb; but Justin Bieber is not!
2. Many women think the actor Brad Pitt is a heart-throb.

(a broken heart) - a broken heart (noun) is a feeling of great sadness and despair, especially when someone you love dies or does not love you.

1. They broke up last week and she is broken-hearted. (broken hearted = adjective)
2. Three weeks after our grandmother died, our grandfather died of a broken heart
3. His heart is broken because she doesn't love him anymore.

(a heart-to-heart) – a heart-to-heart talk (noun) is a completely open and honest private discussion between two people.

We had a heart-to-heart talk last night to try and work out our problems.

wear your heart on your sleeve – if you wear your heart on your sleeve you are very open about your feelings for someone, and everyone can see how you are feeling.


(cupboard love) – cupboard love is love or affection that is not real, and is shown only in order to gain something.

British English.

1. It's just cupboard love: all he really wants is her money and her fast cars.
2. Some people think that pet cats only show cupboard love: they only love you when they want something.

(fall head over heels in love) – to fall head over heels in love with someone is to fall in love with them very suddenly, and with great intensity.

I met my husband at university and fell head over heels in love with him on our first date.

(lovebirds) – if two people are clearly very much in love with each other they are often called 'the lovebirds'. Lovebirds are small parrots that are well known for showing great affection to their mates.

(loved-up)– to be loved-up (adjective) is to be full of feelings of romantic love.

Very informal British English.

1. Jennifer and Guido look so happy and loved-up.
2. She's sick of the sight of loved-up couples on Valentine's Day!

(lovelorn) - to be lovelorn is to be sad because the person you love does not love you (unrequited love).

Valentine's Day is not a good day for people who are lovelorn.

(puppy love) – puppy love is the love or romantic feelings felt for someone by children or young adolescents. Often used in a negative or derogatory way.

It's only puppy love. They will soon forget about it.

<西洋情人節的由來>每年的二月十四日是西洋情人節,又名「Valentine's Day 」,其實就是為了紀念一位叫 Valentine的人。故事的起源要追朔到西元三世紀的羅馬,當時羅馬執政的君主Claudius好大喜功,不懂勤政愛民,是有名的暴君。因當時羅馬內外戰爭頻繁,為了維繫既有的權勢,立於不敗之地,Claudius強迫境內所有年齡到達指定範圍的男子,必須加入羅馬軍隊協助作戰。為進一步防範軍人不專心戰鬥,Claudius還下令全國都不准舉行結婚典禮,即使已經訂了親的人,也要立即取消婚約。對於這樣的苛政,人民敢怒不敢言,私底下卻仍然抑制不了對愛情的渴望。所以當大家輾轉聽到有一位叫 Valentine的修士,願意義務為大家主持婚禮,都非常的興奮,千里迢迢遠自各處趕來請修士證婚。原來這位 Valentine修士,因不忍見到許多情侶因為暴政關係被迫分離,決定為大家秘密主持上帝的婚禮。但是消息很快就走漏到Claudius那兒,Claudius立即派人將 Valentine逮捕,關入大牢審問。由於 Valentine始終不肯屈服認錯,很快就被處死了,Valentine 去世的那一天,正好是西元二七零年二月十四日。悲傷的人們,將 Valentine安葬於羅馬的聖普拉大教堂,為了感念 Valentine勇敢抗爭的精神,人們也將每年的二月十四日定為Valentine的紀念日〈Valentine'sDay〉,象徵每個人都應該勇敢地追求愛情。

<白色情人節>白色情人節英語:White Day;日語:ホワイトデー),訂於3月14日。你知道什麼是“白色情人節”?聽過西洋情人節,也聽過七夕情人節。那麼你知道什麼是“白色情人節”嗎?其實這是有關於日本的民間傳說,二月十四號原本是女孩子對男孩子訴諸情意的日子,由女孩子送情人禮物給男孩子,但是漸漸發展到最後已經不分彼此現在的情人節由誰主動送禮物已經不重要了。在日本如果一方在二月十四日當天收到異性送的情人禮表達愛意,而且對對方也有同樣的好感或情意時,就會在三月十四日回送對方一份情人禮物,那表示今年彼此已經心心相印了。所以他們就把三月十四日這一天,訂為“白色情人節”。如果你也收到一份期待的情人禮物,那何妨趁著“白色情人節”這一天讓對方也感受到你的愛意呢?

全美零售商聯合會說新的數據顯示,情人節這天售出的禮物有很大一部分是買給母親的。人們在情人節會花更多的錢為母親買禮物,而不是他們的另一半。舊金山金門大學(Golden Gate University)的心理學及營銷學教授亞羅(Kit Yarrow)說,怎麼說呢,每個人都有母親,但不是每個人都有情人。

數據顯示,那些可以和愛人共度情人節的人為母親買禮物花的錢仍然比情人多。根據全美零售商聯合會和市場研究機構BIGinsight的數據,人們為慶祝情人節購買的每件禮物的平均花銷為126美元,而母親節的禮物平均每件141美元。 money網站的編輯肯尼斯(Amy Kniss)說,人們為在情人節這天為愛人買禮物花的錢更少(平均每件禮物83美元)。 她說,一些人在為表達愛意而送禮物的日子裡會有些不情願,但是,做子女的一般都很明智,不會捨不得花錢給媽媽買禮物。

當然,有些人選擇保險的做法,在情人節為母親和情人各買一份禮物。不過,在情人節這天,你的伴侶還有一個競爭對手,就是你自己。根據市場研究機構Alliance Data 對3,000名消費者做的一項調查,45%的消費者把2月14日當成一個借口,買下中意了很久東西作為給自己的禮物。


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