夜幕降臨,水晶球於傍晚6時在萬眾矚目下緩緩升達頂端,兩頭紅色的中國金獅登台表演,全場觀眾歡騰一片。在醒獅表演的尾聲,兩頭獅子更是和台上嘉賓共同拉開印有「Happy New Year 2012!Greetings from Beijing,China!新年邀您去北京」字樣的紅色橫幅,向全世界發出盛情邀請。由1907年開始的水晶球降下傳統,今年的設計引用舊約聖經「Let there be light(要有光)」,變成「Let there be Friendship(要友愛)」,期待世界充滿友誼。水晶球還將首次點亮中國文化中象徵吉祥如意的紅、黃色燈光,以「中國色彩」祈福。
「What do you want for Christmas ?」聖誕節,是最好的分享節日,孩子們可以在這天許願,向聖誕老公公要禮物,還可以和朋友們交換禮物,得到大家的祝福。洋溢著幸福滋味的聖誕節,唐威廉美語新竹武陵校當然要給孩子們更多的歡樂、更多學習的能量,無論是可愛的孩子或貼心的家長,都能夠在武陵校的園地裡,找到聖誕帶來的美麗奇蹟!
Raise Your Hand!孩子不要害怕上台,更不需要害怕說美語。唐威廉美語四維校告訴您,任何時候都可以說美語,要加強美語能力,就要從「說」開始做起,增加雙向溝通的機會。不怕說錯,唐威廉美語有最專業的美加外籍教師立即指導;不要害羞,新竹四維校有最親切的中師給予輔導。在學美語的過程裡,新竹四維校期盼每位孩子都能有主動出擊的勇氣,要變得跟外師一樣厲害,聽說讀寫樣樣精通!
The First Lady Receives the 2011 White House Christmas Tree
2011 First Lady Michelle Obama Reads 'The Night Before Christmas' with Kermit the Frog
2011 National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
《National Christmas Tree 2010 with Obama light tree & Jackie Evancho sing》
《Jackie Evancho and Katherine Jenkins sing 'Silent Night' at Rockefeller Center》
President Obama and First Family to Light the National Christmas Tree December 1 From President's Park Today, the National Park Service and the National Park Foundation announced that President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and their family will officially light the National Christmas Tree on Thursday, December 1 at the 89th annual holiday tree lighting ceremony on the Ellipse in President's Park, one of America's nearly 400 national parks. The ceremony will be streamed LIVE online at www.thenationaltree.org beginning at 4:30pm ET with the exclusive National Christmas Tree Lighting pre-show.
Hosted by television and radio personality Carson Daly, this year's National Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony features a talented lineup of performers. Multi-platinum producer will.i.am of six-time Grammy-award winning musical group The Black Eyed Peas, pop sensation Big Time Rush and singer-songwriter Ellie Goulding will join the previously announced platinum selling band OneRepublic, country music star Rodney Atkins and six-time Grammy nominated singer-songwriter Marsha Ambrosius for this extraordinary evening of holiday fanfare. The show will also feature a special appearance by Kermit the Frog, star of The Muppets, and of course, the Jolly Old Elf himself, Santa Claus.
In addition to the LIVE stream online, the ceremony will also be broadcast nationally on public television throughout the month of December through a partnership with WETA Washington, D.C., the flagship public broadcasting station in the nation's capital. Check local listings for times or visit www.thenationaltree.org for more information.
Originally started by President Calvin Coolidge in 1923, this year's ceremony marks the 89th annual National Christmas Tree Lighting. The event has become an American holiday tradition. For more information about the 2011 National Christmas Tree Lighting, visit www.thenationaltree.org.
The 2011 National Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony is presented by the National Park Service and the National Park Foundation and produced by Alex Coletti Productions.
每年不論暑期美語夏令營、寒假美語冬令營,唐威廉美語連鎖教育事業都推出讓人耳目一新、令人驚豔且內容實用豐富的寒暑假課程,在2012年寒假美語冬令營,更安排了一系列非常有意思的『Talk and Fun! 來玩說話課』課程,就是讓孩子用美語練習溝通。現在,每位孩子都擁有一張通往國際化的機票,拿著機票走上飛機固然很容易,但下飛機之後呢?孩子是不是能夠在外國人的世界裡用美語說自己想說的話,說出簡單的生活需求?這是需要學習和不斷地練習的。唐威廉美語教學團隊知道,台灣的孩子迫切需要加強「說」與「聽」的溝通能力,而首要的第一步,即是讓孩子從生活學起,自然融入美加文化。
吃飯需要學習「Bite, Chew, Lick, Swallow!」餐廳點餐需要學習「Going to a restaurant!」介紹台灣有名的夜市生活,也是需要學習「Night markets!」孩子平常學不到的生活美語會話,盡在唐威廉美語2012寒假美語冬令營的美語會話課程裡。唐威廉美語要讓孩子盡情表達生活,從實用走向活用,從活用走向國際。跳脫象牙塔式的教學方式,孩子的美語才能學得有「味道」,會說也會聽,雙向的學習教出孩子無限美語力!